कृपया, एउटा भाषा चयन गर्नुहोस्
फोन: (६१४) ५३२-५०८९
फ्याक्स: (६१४) ५३२-५०७७

Adult Daycare
Trusted Adult DayCare Services
When designing our business model, we placed ourselves in our clients' shoes. What would we want from adult daycare services? The answer was a team of caring professionals with knowledge, experience, integrity, and a passion for caring for others. We would want someone who understands our unique needs and is willing to work with us to determine the best method of care. Thus, Trusted Care Corp was established. We offer three key types of adult daycare services. Our social centers provide balanced meals, basic healthcare services, and recreation. Our medical/health centers provide intensive healthcare and therapy and social activities. Lastly, our specialized care centers provide tailored services to clients with specific disabilities or cognitive impairments. While the services offered by each center may be different, the quality of care remains high across the board.
We believe there are no shortcuts when it comes to elderly assistance. That's why we offer a full range of adultday care services. Through counseling, education, and socialization, we help our clients understand and embrace their lives. Clients think of us as family, and we return the sentiment. Nutritious, balanced meals, physical therapy, and exercise help our clients take control of their health and well-being. Health screenings let us provide tailored medical care. We also provide our clients plenty of opportunities for recreation and socialization. Building strong bonds with others and becoming a valued member of a community are key factors to mental health. It all adds up to total care you can trust. Call or email us to learn more and schedule an appointment.